TigerTom's Robot Rat Script. Version: 1.0, April 2002. http://www.tigertom.com/perl-script.shtml. This Perl script records accesses of web pages by search engine spiders, bots and leech programs. SETUP: Open the 'robot_rat.cgi' script in a text editor. On the first line, define the path to Perl on your web server. Then define the password, the file to record accesses to, and whether you can use file locking (flock) on your server, as instructed in the script. Open 'robot_rat.shtml' and define where 'robot_rat.cgi' is on your server. -------- Upload the 'robot_rat.cgi' to your cgi-bin. CHMOD it to 705. Upload 'access.dat' to the same directory. CHMOD it to 606. Upload 'robot_rat.shtml' to your web-facing directory. -------- Put an invisible link to 'robot_rat.shtml' in any web page on your server. A human won't see it, but a 'spider' will, and, in following it, activate the script. ------ USAGE: To find out who's been accessing the page, just type the following into a browser: http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/robot_rat/robot_rat.cgi?tigertom1 where 'tigertom1' is the password you set up in the script. ------ T. O' Donnell, May 2002.